SWC relies on the importance of scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence in dentistry. SWC believes that the application of artificial intelligence in dentistry will raise the quality of treatment in the field of dentistry, which is good for dental patients. SWC has communicated with many researchers interested in the field of artificial intelligence in dentistry Around the world in order to develop this field through scientific research.
Dr. Abdulla Alsaidi, who is the Dean of the College of Computers at Taibah University, Saudi Arabia, believes that artificial intelligence may play a major role in developing and improving dentistry. Dr. Jae-Hong Lee, Associate Professor Department of Periodontology, Daejeon Dental Hospital, Wonkwang University College of Dentistry. He has several scientific papers published in the field of artificial intelligence in dentistry. He believes that scientific research contributes to the introduction of artificial intelligence in dentistry.
Dr. Cristina González losada associate professor in the department of conservative dentistry,universidad Complutense de Madrid. She sees artificial intelligence as the future of dentistry.
Dr. Maher MirahDirector of Dental Research Center, Assistance Professor in Dental Materials Endodontist - Taibah University. He believes that the ideas of artificial intelligence in dentistry are beautiful ideas and facilitate the treatment process in the field.
Dr. Abdul-Badi Al-Takrouni, Director of the SWC Research Center said that the research center does not only aim to develop the company's products, but rather to develop artificial intelligence in dentistry in general.